Test complet


    inonat- (nothing)

    are theyis itare thereis

    does it costdo it costdoes cost it

    sawseedhave seenhave see

    had to helpmust to helpmust to helpedhad helpedhave to help

    watchedwatchingwas watchinghave watched

    a timesome timeany timea lot time

    youryour’syoursyou ares

    the hotela hotelhotelan hotel

    WhoseWho’sOf whoTo who

    ex : Slow, Slower, Slowest

    ex : France : french, England: english

    Look for the...

    Look for

    Look up

    Look after

    Look into

    Look out

    Example : I like chocolate

    This jean is broken.These jeans are broken.These jean is brokenThis jeans are broken
