Test complet Nom Prénom Numéro de téléphone Votre formation sera-t-elle effectuée dans le cadre du CPF (anciennement DIF) ? OuiNon Mail 1)Introduce yourself to the receptionist of a new client. 3)What time is it? 2)Demander l’addition dans un restaurant. 3)What time is it? 4)What do you say when someone sneezes 5)What do you say when another person is trying to pass through the door at the same time as you? 6)Write this number in words 1,936. 7)Write this number in words £221,104.09 8)Demander son chemin pour aller à la banque. 9)What do you say when someone says 'thank-you'? 10)Demander un café dans un bar. 11)A Baker specialises in bread. A Butcher specialises in __________. 12)My husband’s sister is my ___________. 13)Name 5 things you would normally find on the table in a restaurant. 14)What is a corkscrew? 1)What time do you finish work? I finish at 9.00______ night. inonat- (nothing) 2)How many people ______in your company? are theyis itare thereis 3)How much ______to go to Lyon by train? does it costdo it costdoes cost it 4)Pulp Fiction is the best film I______ sawseedhave seenhave see 5)Last weekend I ______ my brother. had to helpmust to helpmust to helpedhad helpedhave to help 6)At 8.15 last night she ______ TV. watchedwatchingwas watchinghave watched 7)He doesn’t have ______ to go out. a timesome timeany timea lot time 8)This Ferrari is mine and that Twingo is ______ youryour’syoursyou ares 9)We are staying in ______ this weekend. the hotela hotelhotelan hotel 10)______ is that dog outside? WhoseWho’sOf whoTo who 11)Complete the graph ex : Slow, Slower, Slowest Good Bad 12)Complete the graph ex : France : french, England: english Japan Turkey Wales 13)Match up the phrasal verbs to the correct end of the sentence. Look for the... Look for —Veuillez choisir une option—The problem.The children.The children.A job.It's dangerous.The word in a dictionary Look for Look up —Veuillez choisir une option—The problem.The children.The children.A job.It's dangerous.The word in a dictionary Look up Look after —Veuillez choisir une option—The problem.The children.The children.A job.It's dangerous.The word in a dictionary Look after Look into —Veuillez choisir une option—The problem.The children.The children.A job.It's dangerous.The word in a dictionary Look into Look out —Veuillez choisir une option—The problem.The children.The children.A job.It's dangerous.The word in a dictionary Look out 14)Give 2 short responses to this question. Do you agree with me? Example : I like chocolate Yes No 15)Which sentence is correct This jean is broken.These jeans are broken.These jean is brokenThis jeans are broken 16)Finish this sentence in your own words. If I had chosen another profession… 17)What do you do? 18)What are your plans for this weekend? 19)What did you do last new years eve? 20)How long have you lived in your current house? 21)Ask a friend about their new job. 1)Who sang ‘Candle in the wind’? 2)What are ‘bangers and mash’? 3)What’s the name of the Queens Palace? 4)What’s the name of the English Flag? 1)WRITE A SHORT EMAIL TO INVITE A CLIENT TO VISIT YOUR COMPANY AND VISIT THE REGION. 100 words 2)Write a paragraph beginning with the following words. When I was young Les informations collectées ne sont utilisées que par GOODSIR afin de vous contacter. Elles ne sont pas transmises à un tiers.